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Nth Degree Featuring Kathy Boren

Nth Degree Featuring:

Kathy Boren, Senior Vice President of Commercial Services

What is your role at Near North?

I focus mostly on commercial title production.  I try to be the connector between opening the order, getting the appropriate search product, having the commitment issued, getting the deal to the table, and the policy completed.  I also examine and underwrite transactions myself.

What is your professional background?

I am a 35-year industry veteran, starting my career as an intern with Near North when it was known as Hamilton Title Security.  I have searched, examined, closed, recorded, and even helped develop forms and software. I have also developed and presented mini-seminars and training sessions for attorneys, commercial brokers, and lenders on title insurance-related topics, and have been a presenter/ instructor for continuing education courses for the Indiana Land Title Association.

What is your favorite thing about Near North?

I truly enjoy the members of our team.  I think we enjoy getting to know each other personally and professionally.  I always get a kick out of finding out something that I would have never guessed about someone.  It’s the people that keep me coming in every day. I have made some amazing friends over the years!

How do you and Scott Gryder, President of Commercial Services, work together to run the Commercial Department?

As Scott and I found out when we did our AcuMax evaluation, we are really different in the way we go about getting things done and making decisions.  I think our strengths complement the other’s, and hopefully make us more effective as a team than either of us would be individually.  The bottom line is that we both want our teammates, and the team as a whole, to be proud of what we do and to be successful. We may each run a slightly different course to get there.

Which qualities do you admire most of our leadership team? 

They are a group of dedicated professionals that genuinely care about what we are doing on a day-to-day basis, and want us all to be the best version of ourselves.

Personal Life/Free Time:

I have two cats, Shelly and Ginny.  I also have two grown kids, both married, and several grandcats.   I carry my Kindle with me pretty much everywhere.  I have been running for over 30 years, and have completed 25+ half marathons.  I have been a pace group leader with the Indy 500 Mini Marathon training program, and I currently run on Wednesday nights with the Carmel Runners Club.  I have been doing Zumba for almost 15 years, and the quote “dance like no one is watching” always makes me smile.  When the weather is nice, I like to go to outdoor concerts, farmers markets, and wine tastings.

What do you most look forward to accomplishing at Near North?

Honestly, I would like to retire in a few years, and know that I have left a legacy of knowledge and professionalism that is continually being built upon.

What are you most excited for in 2022 for Near North?

 Discovering the “new normal,” and making that be the basis for all kinds of future growth.